欧阳娜娜《Bedtime Story》歌词及评论赏析

欧阳娜娜《Bedtime Story》歌词及评论赏析

Bedtime Story

歌手 : 欧阳娜娜
作词 : 欧阳娜娜 NanaOuyang、 Wyatt Sanders、Gingerbread
作曲 : 欧阳娜娜 NanaOuyang、 Wyatt Sanders


Hey I couldn't sleep
So just thought I'd call you
See if you could tell me a bedtime story
Look at the sky
We're watching all the stars just passing us by
Don't gotta worry bout tomorrow cuz I
Got you with me tonight
Time how it flies
Tell me a story that it all will be fine
Happily ever after here now cuz I
Got you with me tonight
Don't need to see the world
Don't need a guarantee
As long as I can stay
Here with you next to me
I'm never giving up
I'm never gonna leave
You and me
How it'll always be
Don't need a fancy car
Don't need a diamond ring
Cuz when I see you smile
It gives me everything
You're lighting up my world
With all the good you bring
When nothing stays the same
Know you'll never change
Cuz we got a real love
It's more than enough
Yea rain or shine
We keep it right
And when the night comes
We lay our heads down
And hit the lights
But before we say goodnight we
Look at the sky
We're watching all the stars just passing us by
Don't gotta worry bout tomorrow cuz I
Got you with me tonight
Time how it flies
Tell me a story that it all will be fine
Happily ever after here now cuz I
Got you with me tonight
I know it's scary now
How far there's left to go
But with you by my side
We'll never be alone
Stay close I'll be your guide
Down every broken road
And when it's getting dark
We'll always make it home
Cuz we got a real love
It's more than enough
Yea rain or shine
We keep it right
And when the night comes
We lay our heads down
And hit the lights
But before we say goodnight we
Look at the sky
We're watching all the stars just passing us by
Don't gotta worry bout tomorrow cuz I
Got you with me tonight
Time how it flies
Tell me a story that it all will be fine
Happily ever after here now cuz I
Got you with me tonight
With you tonight tonight tonight
With you tonight tonight tonight
Don't gotta worry bout tomorrow cuz I
Got you with me tonight
With you tonight tonight tonight
With you tonight tonight tonight
Happily ever after here now cuz I
Got you with me tonight

《Bedtime Story》赏析

benaturalplz:「Bedtime Story」的意义,我想,是一天中最温柔的结尾,合上双眼,耳边拂过似云朵般绵软的字句,心也在此刻跟着柔软起来。「Live Today」白天,对错误的存在勇敢告别,坦然的面对心头千千结。夜晚,就请用这个睡前故事来结束这一天吧!祝每一个听完睡前故事的人,都能做个好梦⋯✨📓💤


夏末涼薄:你说:“希望这个世界上少一点坏人 ” 会的宝贝 娜娜你是真的很棒!不能自我否定!我们不要去听那些不好的声音 继续做你自己就好!你要继续闪闪发光,惊艳众人!真心希望你无忧无虑 天天开心❤️捂上耳朵大步向前走吧!

ALRWP:《Bedtime Story》,单曲诞生了,是你一点一滴做出来的音乐 陪伴着你成长,也陪伴着我的成长,宝什么时候开巡演呀,如果有机会的话,要一定记得多来广州和深圳开巡演!


上一篇 2022年8月3日 08:59
下一篇 2022年8月3日 09:05


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