蔡徐坤《Spotlight (聚光灯)》完整版歌词

蔡徐坤《Spotlight (聚光灯)》完整版歌词

蔡徐坤《Spotlight (聚光灯)》

歌手 : 蔡徐坤
作词 : 蔡徐坤、Max Ulver、Andreas Ringblom、Daniel Schulz
作曲 : 蔡徐坤、Max Ulver、Andreas Ringblom、Daniel Schulz

《Spotlight (聚光灯)》完整版歌词

People come and go
Get me high leave me low
I've been believing
That one day I'd find my way home
So where do I go
When the night gets so cold
And it feels like I'm all alone
At some point in time
They say I'll be alright
But it feels like I'm losing my mind
And I know I know I know
Things will never be the same never be the same
I feel it in my soul
Things will never be the same again
I went from city to city and every small town I found
A sip of this whiskey and I'm just lonelier now
I know I know I know
Things will never be the same again
I'm so sick of this game
They throwin' dirt on my name
When everyone around you changing
That's how you know you made it
I know the price and I pay it
So where do I go
When the night gets so cold
And it feels like I'm all alone
At some point in time
They say I'll be alright
But it feels like I'm losing my mind
And I know I know I know
Things will never be the same never be the same
I feel it in my soul
Things will never be the same again
I went from city to city and every small town I found
A sip of this whiskey and I'm just lonelier now
I know I know I know
Things will never be the same again
I've been through the dark
And even there's a light
So I keep holdin' on
A place where I belong
I know I know I know
Things will never be the same never be the same
I feel it in my soul
Things will never be the same again
I went from city to city and every small town I found
A sip of this whiskey and I'm just lonelier now
I know I know I know
Things will never be the same again

《Spotlight (聚光灯)》歌词评论及赏析


phenomenon:像光驱散黑暗阴霾🔥,神明降临人世,你出现在我的世界里,成为我永恒救赎的存在✨💛KUN&IKUN始终相信“That one day I'find my way home”

·小堃·:spotlight💡— 聚光灯,一首直击人心的小歌~在每个人的人生中都有一盏属于自己的聚光灯,什么时候会显示它全部的光芒🌟🌟🌟,是在我们的至暗时刻。


上一篇 2023年11月23日 09:37
下一篇 2023年11月23日 09:55


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