


歌手 : 庆怜
作词 : K.A.A.N
作曲 : K.A.A.N


I need to rest but I got stress on my mind
I need to rest but I got stress on my mind
No longer sleeping
I’ve been thinking of these pivotal rhymes
No longer sleeping
I’ve been thinking of these pivotal rhymes
When I relapse to the tempo
When I take time to make it simple
Till it’s tenfold and eventful
But the man go with a dope stroll
Like a Van Gogh but no vanguard
And a vagabond the imagine
Nonchalant with the orchestras
I orchestrated not penetrated
And I resonated
I’m feeling great I’m in a good space
I got a cold song in my system blasting
And my window down and my mind flowing
And that Marvin Gaye til’ I’m comatose
I might overdose on that stylin’s Soul
With that simple love that you rather hear
I said I do this like it’s nothing to me
A cooler composer close the curtain
Cursing curving the beat up
Personal peak upon some piece
I plead the people believe
In need of the voice of Etta James
So I can drown out the pain yo
I need to rest but I got stress on my mind
I need to rest but I got stress on my mind
No longer sleeping
I’ve been thinking of these pivotal rhymes
No longer sleeping
I’ve been thinking of these pivotal rhymes
I need to rest but I got stress on my mind
No longer sleeping
I’ve been thinking of these pivotal rhymes
I play some music all alone
The tone is passing the time
I need to rest
I need to rest yeah yeah
I need to rest but I got stress on my mind
No longer sleeping
I’ve been thinking of these pivotal rhymes
I play some music all alone
The tone is passing the time
I need to rest
I need to rest yeah yeah
I want the music that was real so I could feel it for sure
I realized that they don’t even make that stuff anymore
I want the music that was real so I could feel it for sure
Only put Interlude ‘bout the gum
You know
Packing the mac in the back of the ac’
Packing the mac in the back of the ac’
Givin’ a rub on a lyrical track
I bet in a moment I’m bringing it back
And lining the mind in a minute a minute
I own it
Never atonin’
I am alone
In love with the music I’m putting it first
I’ve literally been immersed
I need to rest but I got stress on my mind
No longer sleeping
I’ve been thinking of these pivotal rhymes
I play some music all alone
The tone is passing the time
I need to rest
I need to rest yeah yeah
I need to rest but I got stress on my mind
No longer sleeping
I’ve been thinking of these pivotal rhymes
I play some music all alone
The tone is passing the time
I need to rest
I need to rest yeah yeah


我觉得你打不过我 🏝:庆怜rap也很棒诶!继续冲冲冲!期待你更多的好舞台!😘😘


星辰(馆长附体版:小怜,你真的好棒啊,对每一个舞台都尽自己的全力呈现出最好的效果,每次都很喜欢,好爱你哦好爱你( ˘ ³˘)♥。


上一篇 2023年9月16日 09:41
下一篇 2023年9月16日 09:43


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