朴志效 (지효)《Killin' Me Good》歌词

朴志效 (지효)《Killin' Me Good》歌词

朴志效 (지효)《Killin' Me Good》

歌手 : 朴志效 (지효)
作词 : J.Y. Park "The Asiansoul"
作曲 : Marcus Lomax、Melanie Fontana、GG Ramirez、Lindgren

《Killin' Me Good》完整版歌词

Something that I can't deny
Baby I knew it in one kiss
My body is tellin' me something
Feelings that I can't explain
Turning you into a habit
Closin' my eyes for the magic
On air could I be floatin'
With all these wild emotions
Still holding onto every heartbeat
That's what you do
I'm losing all my senses
You're taking me to places
And you know all that I can say is
Killin' me killin' me good
Feelin' things I never knew that I could
Barely breathing cuz you got me so shook
I think of you more than I should
I die when you gimme that look
You're killin' me killin' me good
You're makin' me feel something new
You're makin' me feel so brand new
I know you know you know me too well
Oh you keep on making me say oh my oh my
Don't stop ain't scared to say it no lie
It feels just like the first time
Take me so high
Oh yes I'm in your hands now
Ain't no one better hands down
Baby it's all yours for the takin'
That's what I'll do
I'll let you lose your senses
And make you go to places
Then I know all that you can say is you're
Killin' me killin' me good
Feelin' things I never knew that I could
Barely breathing cuz you got me so shook
I think of you more than I should
I die when you gimme that look
You're killin' me killin' me good
You're makin' me feel something new
You're makin' me feel so brand new
Oh oh
I'll show you everything
Give you all my honesty
So sweet it hits so dangerously
Oh oh
Now I'm always gonna want more
You're the only thing I came for
I just can't help but to say
Killin' me killin' me good
Feelin' things I never knew that I could
Barely breathing cuz you got me so shook
I think of you more than I should
I die when you gimme that look
You're killin' me killin' me good
You're makin' me feel something new
You're makin' me feel so brand new
You're makin' me feel something new
You're makin' me feel so brand new
You're killin' me killin' me good

《Killin' Me Good》歌词表达及评论赏析





上一篇 2023年10月10日 10:47
下一篇 2023年10月10日 10:49


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